evidence | inspiration | direction

People at Insight Track
We take great pride in offering the highest levels of professionalism and service, underpinned by respective training and professional memberships including Market Research Society (MRS) and Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM).
And we enjoy building lasting and mutually rewarding relationships with, and between, clients, business partners and associates.
“Perfect numbers, like perfect people are very rare”
Rene Descartes (Philosopher and Mathematician)
Will and Sara founded Insight Track 20-years ago in Norwich, to offer market research and marketing consultancy tailored to meet the needs of marketers and business decision-makers, drawing on their first-hand appreciation of the needs of clients' in the marketing community from their respective 'blue-chip' client-side and agency-side marketing backgrounds.
The business grew rapidly with the acquistion of two of the East of England's premier research agencies (Marketing Decisions and SMRC), to become one of the region's leading research agencies serving clients from start-ups to multinationals, and local to global in scale.
Latterly the business has been re-modelled in response to changing client needs and embracing technological opportunities, and we operate as a fleet-of-foot consultancy orchestrating a network of expert associates and selected partners tailored to the needs of each unique client brief.
Will Herschel-Shorland, MCIM, CMRS
Research and Marketing Consultant
Will offers clients the benefits of 30-years’ frontline commercial experience in marketing communications, customer-driven research, strategic planning and business coaching/advice - and of the starting and running of a successful business too!
Will's many marketing, research and consultancy assignments have given him a unique insight into client needs and expectations across organisations from micro to multinational, brands from narrow niche to household names, scales local to international, and for commercial, charitable and public sector purposes.
Will is a long-standing member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and Full Member of the Market Research Society (MRS), and brings an eclectic mix of additional management experience as a Museum Advisor (Herschel Museum of Astronomy), Community Centre Trustee (The Pennoyer Centre) and a former Parish Councillor (Pulham St. Mary).
Will is a keen champion of economic opportunity across the East of England, and has a particular passion for the success of the start-ups and SMEs in the region; whilst also an enthusiast for the arts/culture/heritage sector, for individual personal and professional development, and supporting the positive impact of community projects.
Sara Herschel-Shorland
Sara adds her 30-years’ experience in ‘blue-chip’ marketing, market research, financial management and philanthropy advisor roles to the ingredients of Insight Track.
Sara’s primary role in the business is now the background management of quality control processes and due diligence, coupled with offering incisive marketing consultancy, and consulting within the research planning and analysis processes.

We enjoy collaborating with a select group of research, marketing and coaching professionals, blended into seamless teams to ensure skills and resources perfectly-fitted for each tailormade project.
We undertake research fieldwork with an extensive network of directly-managed fieldwork supervisors, interviewers and partners.
If you wish to explore the potential of collaboration together, then please do not hesitate to get in touch!