evidence | inspiration | direction

Research tailored for you
Every organisation has unique information needs and resources, and as such we tailor every research programme to meet specific client objectives.
Our approach may be one, or a combination, of the following (or sometimes something completely different!) to meet your unique brief, and in the knowledge that the best research is a participative process with collaborative and engaged research participants (and clients!).
“Furious activity is
no substitute for understanding”
Henry Herbert Williams
Focus/Discussion Groups
Revealing in-depth insights generated by the facilitated interaction of individuals in moderated group discussions – frequently surprising, always valuable
Telephone interviews
Cost effective yet in-depth interviewing especially valuable for readily identifiable but widely dispersed audiences, permitting building of rapport and interactive discussion
Managing a consistent panel of research participants sampled from a defined population to conduct on-going research over a period of time – typically comparative and product/service development
Face-to-Face Interviews
One-to-one depth interviews frequently to explore topics in-depth – particularly where complex, sensitive or perhaps requiring visual stimulus
On-street and exit interviews
Cost-effective, typically higher volume quantitative, face-to-face interviews conducted with respondents in an ‘on-the-spot’ context
Mystery shopping
Real-time and real-world customer experience monitoring from all customer touchpoints in person, by phone, online and more
Online Self-Completion Surveys
Online channels have evolved to be a dominant channel to conduct cost-effective, readily quantified, self-completion surveys via email, panel or website hosting (and platform neutral e.g. smartphone, tablet, PC etc.)
Hall tests
Face-to-face interviewing, with a qualitative slant, undertaken at a central hall or similar venue in a controlled environment particularly suited to product, packaging and advertising development
Desk research
Insight and understanding gained from pre-existing information sources, such as databases, reports, publications and online reference sources – and increasingly valuable in the information-rich era of ‘Big Data’ and AI.