evidence | inspiration | direction

A bit about us
First and foremost we're about market research and marketing consultancy, with a dash of coaching too where appropriate.
We’re about helping you make well-informed decisions and prepare effective plans to realise your goals and ambitions.
We’re about understanding, informing, guiding and advising to drive business sustainability and success.
“The world can only be grasped by action, not by contemplation”
Jacob Bronowski (Philosopher)
We're insatiably curious, keen listeners, creative thinkers, obsessive planners, natural mentors and driven by hard evidence.
And we are big on quality control, hot on service standards and passionate about what we do, and what our clients do too.
Being based in the East of England, we are intimately familiar with the economic and social opportunities and challenges across Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Essex, and proud to play our part in supporting organisations in making a positive impact in the region.
Whilst of course it goes without saying we are delighted to be frequently working with clients from further afield across the UK, and internationally, too!
We relish every assignment, and work for organisations of every size from micro to multinational, every nature (including commercial, public sector and not-for-profit), from start-up to long-established, and every sector from A-Z (yes, quite literally from Accountants to Zoos!).
Insight Track has a strong marketing pedigree, reflecting the skills and experience of the team; and we know that it is the impacts of our research and consultancy (not the doing of it) that really matters to clients.
And that is why we hit on our name, Insight Track, hinting at the competitive advantage our clients gain from acting on our insightful research, impactful marketing consultancy, and intuitive coaching (and loosely defined as follows below!).